So...Why Boudoir?

 “What made you choose boudoir photography?”

It’s a question I get asked often. The answer is fairly simple.

I went to high school in Oregon. For our senior year, we had to do what they called a senior project. We had to do something that related to a career field we wanted to go into in the future. I was really into fashion at that point, so I tried to put on a fashion show.

That didn’t work out.

boudoir photography, bridal boudoir, couples boudoir, middle georgia boudoir, empowerment, self love, luxury boudoir, luxury boudoir photography, luxury experience, confidence

I tried to design and sew my own dress.

That didn’t work out.

I landed on photography and fell in love with it. I continued to do photography after high school, taking a few breaks along the way where I thought I didn’t want to do it anymore.

For years I did pretty much all types of photography. Family portraits, weddings, senior portraits, even sports. They were fun, but they didn’t really light my fire.

I knew I wanted to continue doing photography, and thought the amount of fulfillment the other genres brought me was enough. So, I began to research the best ways to build a successful photography business.

boudoir photography, bridal boudoir, couples boudoir, middle georgia boudoir, empowerment, self love, luxury boudoir, luxury boudoir photography, luxury experience, confidence

I read a few articles that suggested the best way to do that would be to focus on one or two genres of photography.

But…I liked them all. How was I going to choose?

I ignored that tidbit of information for a few years.

Then, I hit a period of low self esteem. I didn’t know what to do for myself, but I knew I couldn’t stay in that place.

One day, I stumbled upon boudoir photography. I enjoyed the other types of photography, but this was…different. The more I looked into boudoir, the more I realized there was power in it. I tried some self portraits and felt the power. It helped me see myself in a different way. I was climbing out of my low point.

If boudoir could do this for me, how many people could I help this way? I started to devise a plan to make that my only genre.

I’ve spent my time since then trying to create an experience that would help people see their beauty. Help couples reconnect. Give people something to look back on.

I found a company that provides high quality products that will last. I designed (and re-designed…and re-designed) a studio that I love. I’ve found hairstylists and makeup artists that help me make my clients feel beautiful. I’ve sharpened my knowledge of lighting and my camera equipment. I worked hard.

And every time a woman tells me how beautiful she feels, or cries happy tears, or comes back to see us, I feel like every step of my journey was worth it.

I'm A Boudoir Photographer

I’m a Capricorn.

If you subscribe to astrology, you’ve already formed an opinion about that. If you don’t subscribe to it, you probably have an entirely different opinion of that statement. Either way, I’m a stereotypical Capricorn. Work is my middle name. Actually, it’s Marie, but you get the idea.

boudoir photography, bridal boudoir, couples boudoir, middle georgia boudoir, empowerment, self love, luxury boudoir, luxury boudoir photography, luxury experience, confidence

I always need to have something to do. That something needs to make me money. That’s just who I am as a person. So when I experienced a lull in my boudoir photography business, I needed something to do.

Through my boudoir photography career, I’ve learned to design a thing or two. Plus I’ve always thought I was funny. So I combined those two things and started a shop selling hoodies and shirts with my sweet little designs on them. It did…okay.

The designs were great, the quality of the clothing items was great, people loved them. 5 stars. All of the love people had for my designs didn’t really translate into the sales numbers I wanted to see. It was pretty disheartening to see that disparity between love for my designs and sales. Maybe I just needed to push harder?

But…the more effort I put into that business venture, the less I put into boudoir. And the boudoir photography lull lengthened.

boudoir photography, bridal boudoir, couples boudoir, middle georgia boudoir, empowerment, self love, luxury boudoir, luxury boudoir photography, luxury experience, confidence

This presented two problems. 1. Boudoir photography is my passion and I missed it. 2. The shop wasn’t doing well enough to fill that void.

As much as I don’t like giving up, I know when something isn’t worth the effort for me. So, unfortunately, the shop has to go.

I don’t want to do something unless I’m giving it my all. I can’t keep splitting my brainpower in that way. No longer am I a boudoir photographer and a funny shirt designer. I am what I was always supposed to be.

I’m a boudoir photographer.