5 Things You're Not Allowed to Say in My Boudoir Photography Studio

 The studio is a haven for positivity. As such, we don’t allow negative self talk! Here are a few phrases to go ahead and kick from your vocabulary before your shoot (or honestly just for your life, stop saying them).

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  1. “I hate my (insert body part here)”

    What does this phrase even do for you? Does it help? Does it change anything? Of course not. Stop saying it. You’re beautiful as you are, whether you see it or not. Hatred of any piece of you is too much hatred to hold. Let it go. Stop saying this.

  2. “I don’t look like (insert anyone else’s name)”

    Good. I’m so glad you don’t. You look like you and you absolutely should look like you! I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times, but there’s only one you in this world. You’re not meant to be a replica of anyone else. You also have no idea who out there is looking at you and wishing they had some of your features. Stop saying this.

  3. “I can’t-”

    Unless you’re gonna finish that sentence with “-believe I ever thought negatively of myself,” then don’t say it! If you want to do something and there’s no physical limitations that you can’t control, you can! Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. Stop saying this.

  4. Anything judgmental toward yourself or others

    I don’t hold the title of judge or Jesus, so don’t expect me to do any judging. I also don’t allow it in my studio. The only thing we allow judging people on is being an asshole. We have no idea what other people are going through, have been through, or will go through. We have no right to judge them for their lives. Stop doing this.

  5. “I wish I was more like (insert someone else’s name)”

    You can be whoever you want to be. The only person who can change your life is you. There is so much good in this world, you can get yourself a slice, too! You can define your success. You can create a life that will make the old you say “I’m so happy to be me.”

This experience is meant to help you see yourself in a more positive light. Seeing yourself in beautiful photos is not the only way we do this. Practice removing these phrases and habits from your vocabulary now because you won’t be saying them when you walk through our door.

Why is Bridal Boudoir the Perfect Gift for Your Future Spouse?

 When your future spouse chose you, out of all of the people in the world, to spend the rest of their life with, they already got the best gift in the world! What could be better than you? The only thing that can top that gift is elegant, beautiful photos of you feeling incredibly confident!

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You might be thinking, ‘What if I’m not confident?’ I’d like you to know that many of the people you see on this website wouldn’t have described themselves as confident before their shoot. Can you tell which ones they are? I bet you can’t! That’s because with the way my team and I work, we put an emphasis on making you feel comfortable and giving you a fun experience. When you’re comfortable and having fun, you don’t have time to feel like you don’t have confidence.

boudoir photography, bridal boudoir, couples boudoir, middle georgia boudoir, empowerment, self love, luxury boudoir, luxury boudoir photography, luxury experience, confidence

Even though your bridal boudoir photo shoot is a gift for the love of your life, it’s also going to be a bunch of fun for you! You get your hair and makeup done, you get to dress up, and you’re gonna laugh! In short, a bridal boudoir album on your wedding day will be the best thing you could possibly give them! Book yours today!